Territory: a Common Home

Territory: a Common Home
Start Year
2015 (Concluded)
24 months
Principal Investigator
Co-principal Investigator
Funding Entity
Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Funding Value
30.195,00 euros
Proposing Institution
Partner Institutions
Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão
The Territory: Common Home project sought to offer a general public another view of the territory of the diffuse occupation of Vale do Ave and to foster a wider debate about it. It was intended, in this way, to encourage a process of collective construction of imaginaries about this territory. The establishment of collective imaginaries about the territories is understood as essential for the mobilization and coordination of the action of the multiple actors who, on a daily basis, participate in the processes of transformation of the territories; as well as for the legitimization of the planning and management practices that regulate this process. And this becomes even more relevant in scenarios whose image departs from recognized urban models and about which there is no stabilized discourse in the public sphere (or, when there is, it is constructed in the negative). This is the case of the territories of diffuse occupation in Vale do Ave.
The project's central pieces were the production of an exhibition aimed at a broad public, and the respective catalog, which sought to present a reading of the main structures and characteristics of that territory, as well as the processes that explain its formation. The exhibition was also accompanied by a parallel program of tours, talks, collective cartography laboratories and a final conference, with a view to fostering the desired debate about that territory.
Álvaro Domingues (Principal Investigator)
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Nuno Travasso (Co-Principal Investigator)
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Ivo Poças Martins
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Daniel Screpanti
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Jacopo Feslikenian
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Daniel Casas Valle
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Manuela Sampayo
Câmara Municipal do Porto