Fishing Architecture
The Ecological Continuum between Buildings and Fish Species
Center for Studies
in Architecture and Urbanism
The Ecological Continuum between Buildings and Fish Species
Religious Architecture and Sacral Landscapes of Christian Minorities in India and Bangladesh
modular systems
Cities and Landscapes
Sustainable Management, Conservation, Planning and Design
Designing a climate-responsive and community-based methodology
Cultural Heritage and Ports of Call in the Indian Ocean during the Early Modern Period
Projeto Interreg Atlantic
Contributions from the School of Porto (1980-2020)
Filling the gaps for World Heritage
Porto's Faculty of Architecture: five points towards a Grand Tour
FAMagazine Architecture Research and Projects
Casal Ribeiro, Helder; Ramos, Sílvia
issn: 2039-0491
Perfect day(s): Grand Tour experiences
FAMagazine Architecture Research and Projects
Ramos, Sílvia; Casal Ribeiro, Helder
issn: 2039-0491
Sobre sustentabilidade. Escavação, conservação e reconstrução em contexto arqueológico
REVISTA DELOS, 17, 61: e2506
Alarcão, Pedro
issn: 1988-5245
doi: 10.55905/rdelosv17.n61-005
Archimedean solids in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 78, 6: 631-715
Viana, Vera
Acesso Aberto
issn: 0003-9519
issn: 1432-0657
doi: 10.1007/s00407-024-00331-7
Moderator - Think & Do Tank - What we have learned from "learning by doing?". The power of NEB for effective knowledge transfer and learning.
NEB - Cellebrating the lessons learnt. The digiNEB final event.
digiNEB, CrAFt, NEBULA, NEB Lighthouses and NEB Labs
Memória e Identidade. Uma reflexão a partir dos Bairros do Plano de Melhoramentos para a cidade do Porto
Arquitetura - Master
Ana Isabel Costa e Silva - President of the jury
Beatriz Franco Corteletti - Candidate
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal
OBSTÁCULOS À PORTA. Espaços físicos de transição, desafios e qualidade do espaço colectivo
Projecto EXPO APOIO. 3º Webinar. "Espaços físicos e de utilização pública"
Associação Portuguesa de Neuromusculares.
Entre permanência e efemeridade: o tempo na prática de arquitetura
Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura - Master
Maria Gisela Antunes Lameira - President of the jury
Nadja Guimarães Araújo - Candidate
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal