People and Landscape
Territory occupation policies in European southern countries

People and Landscape
Start Year
2012 (Em curso)
123 months
Principal Investigator
Co-principal Investigator
Daniela Ladiana
Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli studi G. D'Annunzio Chieti-Pescara
Nuno Bigotte
Centro de Estudos da Universidade do Porto
Funding Entity
Ministero dell'Università Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica del Dd’A
Dipartimento di Architettura di Pescara; Fondi di Ricerca del DATSU
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani del Politecnico di Milano
Fondi di Ricerca della Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura
dell’Università degli Studi "Kore" di Enna
Fundos dell Instituto Universitario de Urbanistica de la Universidad de Valladolid
Funding Value
40.000,00 euros (CEAU)
20.000,00 euros (other investigation centers, CNR e CSIC)
Proposing Institution
Partner Institutions
Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Pescara
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani del Politecnico di Milano
Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura dell Università degli Studi "Kore" di Enna
Instituto Universitario de Urbanistica de la Universidad de Valladolid
Per conquistare un luogo, una città, un paesaggio, abbiamo bisogno che qualche Virgilio ci introduca, ci accompagni, ci aiuti, altri che come noi e prima di noi abbiano vissuto, interpretato amato quel luogo.
Vittorio Gregotti, Diciassette Lettere sull’architettura
Identifying elements that have a recognized value in the configuration of the local identity is a basic condition for the conception of a strategic vision of potentiation of the endogenous factors that can promote the sustainable and balanced development of a given territory.
Knowledge production must also be structured in an analysis oriented to the identification of the multiplicity of relationships (bonds) that the identified elements establish between each other, as well as the role that these relations assume in the configuration/ perception of the local identity. This implies extending the focus in each element to the processes that concern it and to the multiple implications it has with other elements of identity.
Thus, it will be possible to increase the analyzed factors in order to feed the problem formulation process, obtaining broad observations associated with them and therefore greater guarantees of achieving the fundamental objective of value creation, determining the conditions of resistance to the disappearance/ transformation of identity values of the territory and the conditions for sustaining these values, considered as decisive factors in the relationship between the individuals and their territory and the places and their landscape.
Perception of landscape as the visible face of a territory, for each observer - whether he is an inhabitant, scholar or occasional visitor - is a result of what he experiences when he observes it and walks through it, and depends on how he connects to the world around him and on the environment, domestic or public, in which he lives.
A study oriented to determine the policies that may guarantee the permanence and increase the values in a certain territorial scope is confronted with the difficulty to realize the perception of those elements and relations not taking into account the experiences of those who inhabit and transform those places.
Starting from the rebuilding of the sense of place for an individual and its perception and interpretation, considered as an essential moment of the project dimension, it will be possible to create the "invisible" dimension of the ties that bind us to a land, a landscape, an immaterial culture.
In this sense, a study team from CEAU is working on the interpretation of colonization policies in the territory that have been applied in Fragile Territories, especially those that sought to root its people within their places. The object of the study is, then, the State action in the construction, remodeling and invention of places with conditions for people settlement.
The objective will be to understand settlement policies as a generator of socio-economic processes and forms of occupation of the territory and the creation of family nuclei for agricultural exploitation. (Ways of doing and done forms).
This line of research within the Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, coordinated by Rui Braz Afonso and with the participation of collaborating member Nuno Bigotte Santos, has been developed since 2012 in an international collaboration framework that includes the Instituto Universitario de Urbanistica de Valladolid in Spain.
Guest researchers
Daniela Ladiana
Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Chieti-Pescara
Barbara Bogoni
Scuola AUIC - Architettura Urbanistica e Ingegneria delle Costruzioni del Politecnico di Milano.
Tiziana Basiricò
Università Enna Kore
Luis Santos y Ganges
Instituto Universitario de Urbanistica, Universidad de Valladolid
Research Products
Rui Braz Afonso, Gregorio Vásquez Justel e Miguel Martin Hernandez (2023). Lugares em Perda. Restos y Rastros. Prólogo de João Ferrão. Introdução de Juan Luis de las Rivas Sanz e Luís Viegas. Vol. 4 da coleção Landscape in Translation, p. 1-288, Porto:© Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, ISBN: 978-989-8527-40-0 (Texto em Português e Castelhano)
preface by João Ferrão

Rui Braz Afonso, Daniela Ladiana, Domingos Vaz (2022). Modo de Vida e Paisagem. Pequenos Centros Urbanos na Raya Seca. Vol. 3, Coleção Landscape in Translation, p. 1-140, Porto:© Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, ISBN: 978-989-8527-44-8 (Texto em Português)
presentation by Alexandra Gesta

Rui Braz Afonso ed. (2021). A transformação da paisagem e as políticas de aproveitamento agrícola do território: as experiências dos Países do Sul da Europa durante os Regimes Ditatoriais: Portugal, Itália e Espanha / The territory's landscape transformation and agricultural land use policies: the experiences of Southern European countries during their Dictatorial Regimes: Portugal, Italy and Spain. Vol. 2 Coleção Landscape in Translation, p. 1-301, Porto:© Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, ISBN: 978-989-8527-41-7 ( Texto trilingue em português, espanhol e italiano com traduções em ingles)
presentation by Giorgio Piccinato

Ladiana Daniela, Santos y Ganges Luis, Uccelli Vittorio, Brites João (2018). Povoamento, Paisagem e Modo de Habitar / Landscape, Settlement and Way of Life. Vol. 1 Coleção Landscape in Translation, p. 1-116, Porto:© Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, ISBN: 978-989-8527-15-8 ( Texto trilingue em português, espanhol e italiano com traduções em ingles)
preface by Rui Braz

Other Editions
Angelucci Filippo, Braz Afonso Rui, Di Sivo Michele, Ladiana Daniela (2015), The Technological Design of Resilient Landscape / Il progetto tecnologico del paesaggio resiliente, Franco Angeli, Milano, ISBN:978-88-204-6264-2 ( Texto em italiano com traduções em ingles)

Filippo Angelucci, Rui Braz Afonso, Michele Di Sivo, Daniela Ladiana, Gerardo Massimi, Tiziana Massimi, Giorgio Pardi, Fernando Tammaro (2012). Conservare mantenere e valorizzare il paesaggio. Contributi di cultura tecnologica. Firenze: Alinea Editrice, ISBN: 978-88-6055-744-5 ( Texto em italiano)