Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism


Center for Studies
in Architecture and Urbanism

Implementation of the Vila Nova de Famalicão Local Housing Strategy

Start Year

2022 (Concluded)


8 months

Principal Investigator

Aitor Varea Oro

Funding Entity

Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão

Funding Value

55.500,00 euros (FAUP)

Proposing Institution

Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão

Partner Institutions



The existence of Local Housing Strategies allows municipalities to access the public funding needed to solve the serious problems of housing indignity identified on the ground. However, the bureaucratic difficulty of the processes, associated with the short time available for the execution of the housing solutions proposed, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, are conditioning factors of the objectives to be achieved and the means to be mobilized. This work aimed to define a simple and rigorous approach capable of: (1) Dividing the application submission process into its elementary parts, in order to assign to each player its role of maximum utility; (2) Determining clear and flexible criteria for the allocation of funding, ensuring quality and reducing the potential perception of unfairness; (3) Enabling the maximum number possible of good applications, by adapting the process to the contingencies of implementation.


Luísa Ribeiro

Cynthia El-Dash