Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism


Center for Studies
in Architecture and Urbanism

Well-Balanced Energy Housing

Start Year

2025 (Em curso)



Principal Investigator

Luciana Rocha

Co-principal Investigator

Rui Fernandes Póvoas

Funding Entity

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Funding Value

49.986,40 €

Project Reference


Proposing Institution

Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto

Collaborative Institutions

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto - Instituto de Sociologia (FLUP/IS)
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP)
Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa (IST-UL/CITUA)
Università della Svizzera italiana – Accademia de architettura (USI)


The WellBEH project proposes the development of an original reasoning method named ReCARe through its application to practical cases in order to reach a combined design of diagnosis and intervention plan based on the challenging articulation of three pillars: preservation of the housing heritage, improvement of energy efficiency, and enhancement of the comfort of inhabitants.

WellBEH conceives intervention practices as the outcome of an integrated exercise, linking historical and architectural values, bioclimatic strategies, and participatory processes in which Architecture and Research - through Design - play a fundamental role. This research project is based on reasoning with regard to the built environment as a decision-making process in the context of architectural heritage preservation, in balance with current environmental and social needs, while also considering space uses and their impact on energy consumption to enhance the comfort of the inhabitants.

The retrofitting of Modern architecture is an urgent and complex process, both due to the necessary response to contemporary societal challenges (e.g., climate adaptation and well-being) and the strong connection with the cultural and heritage values of this legacy. Within this universe, ordinary housing heritage with distinct characteristics and enormous potential for adaptation and improvement of efficiency and comfort deserve special attention. These buildings form a significant part of the urban and cultural structure but are often neglected in intervention policies. The balanced management of the preservation of this heritage with energy-sustainable solutions is a pressing and fundamental challenge to ensure the continuity and value of these complexes and the well-being and comfort of their inhabitants.

The project brings together a team composed of architects, engineers, and sociologists with different experiences and professional backgrounds and international consultants with a relevant curriculum in the disciplinary areas of the project. WellBEH also foster greater cooperation between academia, industry, and society in implementing new approaches to built heritage.

WellBEH stems from the knowledge built with the research 'Design and Intervention between Form and Function' [CEEC/INST/00162/2018] in analysing the relationship between intervention strategies and energy sustainability measures. WellBEH will also work in connection with the activities conducted by the Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Technology and Docomomo Portugal.


Luciana Rocha (Principal Investigator)
CEAU/FAUP, Portugal

Rui Fernandes Póvoas
CEAU/FAUP, Portugal

Ana Tostões
CITUA/IST-UL, Portugal

Ana Sofia Guimarães
FEUP, Portugal

Azar Mohammadpanah
CEAU/FAUP, Portugal

Eliseu Gonçalves
CEAU/FAUP, Portugal

Gisela Lameira
CEAU/FAUP, Portugal

Giuseppe Galbiati
USI, Suíça

José Virgílio Borges Pereira
IS/FLUP, Portugal

Pedro Varela
CEAU/FAUP, Portugal

Main activities

Collaboration agreement:
Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto (SCMP)

Silva, Tânia. "Conforto Ambiental no Património Habitacional Modernista: Proposta de Intervenção numa obra de Januário Godinho, 1935." Master Dissertation, FAUP. Supervision by Luciana Rocha e Eliseu Gonçalves (em curso).

Working sessions:
Kick-off team meeting (2025.01.29)

Previous works

Book chapters:
Rocha, Luciana. 2023. "O património arquitectónico do Campo do Luso: do plano ao desenho do fogo". In Luís Albuquerque Pinho and Luís Pinto Nunes (Eds). PARQUE - Conjunto Habitacional Luso-Lima 1958-2023. Pierrot le Fou. ISBN 978-989-53583-9-7.

Guided tour of Campo do Luso (Luso-Lima Housing Complex) with architect Luís Pinheiro Loureiro. Organisation as part of the launch of the book "PARQUE - Conjunto Habitacional Luso-Lima 1958-2023". Fundação Marques da Silva (FIMS), Pierrot Le Fou (2023/11/11).

Conference 'Architects as Agents of Decarbonization' by Daniel Barber. Organization: Eliseu Gonçalves and Luciana Rocha. Collaboration with the Theory 2 curricular unit of the Doctoral Program in Architecture (PDA), EcHo/Atlas da Casa and WellBEH/PACT lines/research and with CEAU/FAUP support (2024/04/12).

Working sessions:
Meeting with the international consultant Daniel Barber at FAUP (2024/04/12).

MSc Azar Mohammadpanah (2023/09/05 - 2023/12/05).

International research stays:
Master student from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Xochimilco, Mexico City, Pedro Julian Ayala Ponce (2024/10/14-2025/01/03)