Doctoral Public Examinations for Architect Sérgio Dias da Silva
O Programa das Casas Económicas do Estado Novo 1933-1974:
Casa e Cidade num Tempo Longo de Arquiteturas e Políticas de Habitação em Portugal
Doctoral Public Examinations for Architect Sérgio Dias da Silva O Programa das Casas Económicas do Estado Novo 1933-1974:
Casa e Cidade num Tempo Longo de Arquiteturas e Políticas de Habitação em Portugal
November 6, 2023, Monday, 3pm, Flat Room
Architect Sérgio Dias da Silva's PhD Public Examinations will be held on November 6, Monday, at 3pm, in the Plana Room.
The thesis is entitled O Programa das Casas Económicas do Estado Novo 1933-1974: Casa e Cidade num Tempo Longo de Arquitecturas e Políticas de Habitação em Portugal.
Doutor Luís Celestino Mourão Soares Carneiro (President)
Professor Associado da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Doutor Nelson Jorge Amorim Mota
Professor Associado da Universidade Técnica de Delft, Países Baixos
Doutor Ricardo Manuel Pereira Finuras de Carvalho
Professor Associado da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
Doutor Eliseu Manuel Vieira Gonçalves
Professor Auxiliar da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Doutor Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos
Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
The duration and size of the Estado Novo's Economic Houses Program (1933-1974), as well as its distribution throughout the country, justify the two main objectives of this research - to properly size the Program and develop a critical review on three scales: of the State, with the construction of a nation centered on the family and the defense of private property; of the City, the urban morphology and the hybridity of references; and of the House and the modern transformation of domestic space. The Program has often been reduced to a partial view of its action, but its production fits into the context of the development of modern architecture in Portugal, serving spaces as a laboratory for design and construction management on a national scale. With the Programa das Casas Económicas, more than a specific formal image, the Estado Novo sought to realize a specific political vision of guaranteeing home ownership. - Sérgio Dias da Silva
Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos