FAUP researcher wins FLAD research grant
Research grant

FAUP researcher wins FLAD research grant Research grant
February 5th, 2024
João Almeida e Silva, a student in FAUP's Doctoral Program in Architecture and a researcher at the Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies, is one of the winners of the most recent edition of the R&D@USA scholarship program, promoted by FLAD - the Luso-American Development Foundation.
With the support of the FCT, the researcher is developing his doctoral thesis, under the supervision of Luís Martinho Urbano, a professor at FAUP, in which he addresses the interferences between Architecture and Advertising.
Specifically, the research being carried out is based on an analysis of the advertising printed in Portuguese architecture and lifestyle periodicals between the 1920s and the 1980s. The main case study is the "Casas da Eva" (Eva's Houses), houses advertised and offered between 1933 and 1971, following the Christmas draw in the women's magazine "Eva: Jornal da Mulher e do Lar".
The R&D@USA scholarship program, promoted by FLAD, will support her integration into Princeton University, School of Architecture, as a Visiting Student Research Collaborator, where, under the supervision of Beatriz Colomina, she will have the opportunity, among other things, to study pioneering methodologies in the field of media studies and their relationship with architecture and domestic space.
At the same time, as part of the activities of that university's Program in Media and Modernity, João Almeida e Silva will also have the opportunity to discuss and compare the research underway with similar investigations, framing a Portuguese phenomenon in an international context and, it is hoped, opening up new perspectives for the formulation of the thesis' conclusions.
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