FAUP teachers and former students honored at the FORMA National Architecture Awards
FAUP teachers and former students honored at the FORMA National Architecture Awards Award
June 25th, 2024
The FORMA Prize - Collective Equipment category was awarded to the 'Residential Structure for the Elderly' project by Nuno Valentim, a lecturer and former student at FAUP, and Frederico Eça, who also graduated from FAUP. The Career Special Mention honored the unique work of architect Álvaro Siza, a visiting professor at FAUP until 2003.
Prizes were also awarded to projects by former FAUP students: in the Collective Housing category, the 'Hoso' building by Julião Pinto Leite from OODA was awarded; in the Emerging Youth category, the 'Casa em Ancede' by Maria João Rebelo from Atelier Local was awarded; and in the Special Mention for Teaching, the work by Pedro Bandeira was distinguished.
The jury in the Single Family Housing, Collective Housing and Collective Equipment categories was made up of Sara Pelicano, Ricardo Bak Gordon, Pedro Matos Gameiro, Graça Correia and Rita Almada Negreiros. In the Public Space, Architectural Rehabilitation and Emerging Youth categories, the jury was made up of Rui Didier, Teresa Belo Rodeia, João Rapagão, Pedro Campos Costa and Maria Souto de Moura - in the last two categories.
Awarded by the architecture platform IF - Ideas Forward, the FORMA Awards aim to distinguish and promote the work of architects who contribute to creation and innovation in construction, to quality in architecture and the enhancement of the landscape and, consequently, to citizens' quality of life.
They are intended to recognize works of new construction throughout Portugal that stand out for their quality and uniqueness. They are awarded in six different categories, one of which is aimed at young architects up to the age of 40.
The works awarded must exemplify architectural quality, integrate harmoniously with their surroundings and landscape, respect existing identity values and consider the sustainability of construction, energy efficiency and environmental issues.
The award ceremony, which in this 2nd edition received 137 applications for the 6 categories in the competition, took place on May 18, 2024, in the Auditorium of the Serralves Museum.
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