FCT Scientific Council for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, André Tavares

FCT Scientific Council for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, André Tavares
Researcher André Tavares, from the Center for Architectural and Urban Studies of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (CEAU-FAUP), integrates the new composition of the Scientific Council for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CCAHCS) of FCT. From the University of Porto, Sofia Miguens, Full Professor at the Philosophy Department of the Faculty of Arts (FLUP) and researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the U.Porto, will also join this body.
The presentation of the new FCT Scientific Councils took place on April 19, 2023, at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and was attended by the Minister, Elvira Fortunato, and the FCT Board of Directors.
The Scientific Councils are advisory bodies supporting the FCT Board of Directors, with an important role in strategic advice and recommendations on the development, implementation and adequacy of support programs for science and technology in different scientific fields.
The councils bring together a total of 46 members covering the different areas of knowledge and include members of the national scientific community as well as Portuguese researchers affiliated with foreign institutions.
In their constitution, institutional and geographic diversity and gender balance are also taken into consideration.
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