Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism


Center for Studies
in Architecture and Urbanism

Seminar 2E of study option E of the PDA Seminar

This year's 2E seminar of study option E of the FAUP's PDA will feature 3 sessions with guest architects from neighboring countries whose careers and production have become of great international relevance, particularly in matters related to the theory and practice of design:

April 19 (Friday) 10h00 (am) CCR

Iñaki Abalos, together with Juan Herreros, founded the famous Madrid architecture firm, Abalos & Herreros, whose output was hugely influential between 1984 and 2006, and whose archives are deposited at the CCA in Montreal, Canada.

In 2006, together with his partner Renata Sentkiewicz, he founded the international architecture firm Abalos+Sentkiewicz, with offices in Madrid, Boston and Shanghai.

Author of the influential theoretical publications, "The Good Life, a guided tour of the houses of Modernity" (ed. GG) or more recently "Absolute Beginners" (Park Books), among many others, his theoretical voice accompanies his design practice with great originality.

He is a professor at ETSAM (Madrid), and between 2013 and 2016 he was appointed director of the GSD at Harvard, where he maintains a wide range of pedagogical and cultural activities.

May 17 (Friday) 10h00 (am) CCR

Moisés Puente has been the main editor of the prestigious monographic magazine 2G since its inception. In the early decades, it was published by the Catalan publisher Gustavo Gilli (GG) and more recently by the German publisher Walther Konig Verlag.

He recently founded Puente Editores, whose careful and selective collections are dedicated to publishing theoretical, critical and image texts by classic and contemporary authors, particularly by architects who are relevant to current practice, whose theoretical production finds in this context an opportunity for dissemination and knowledge of great excellence and rigor.

May 24 (Friday) 10h00 (am) CCR

Elias Torres is a renowned architect who, together with José Antonio Martinez Lapeña, has developed a vast and long professional practice of great quality and critical recognition in his office, founded in 1968 in Barcelona. Paying special attention to the issue of public space, his visionary Photovoltaic Pergola for the 2004 Forum in Barcelona stands out among many other works.

He is the author of the iconic book Luz Cenital, published as a result of his doctoral work in architecture, with a preface celebrating the thesis, written by architect Rafael Moneo, which has already been translated and published in several languages.

He began his academic career as a professor at ETSAB (Barcelona) and between the 1980s and 2000 he taught at universities in the USA, namely UCLA (LA) and the GSD at Harvard.