Scientific journal scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image
Call for Papers Volume 0 'UtopiaPublic presentation

Scientific journal scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image Call for Papers Volume 0 'UtopiaPublic presentation
The public presentation of the scientific journal scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image, will take place on June 5, at 18h00, at Casa Comum - Reitoria da U.Porto.
The journal is an initiative of the research group Architecture, Art and Image of the Center for Architectural and Urban Studies (CEAU) of the FAUP, in collaboration with the Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (i2ADS/FBAUP) and the Center for English Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS/FLUP/NOVAFCSH). It has the double seal of U. Porto Press and scopio Editions.
The session will include the official opening of the Open Call dedicated to the theme 'Utopia' of Volume 1 and the launching of the special edition of scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image Volume 0.
The event's program includes a round-table opening by Fátima Vieira (Vice-rector of U. Porto), followed by a presentation of the journal by its director Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP) and interventions by the journal's editors: David Viana (CEAU/FAUP - UPT); Isa Clara Neves (CES/CEAU/FAUP); José Carneiro (FBAUP/i2ADS); Maria Neto (CEAU/FAUP - UBI); Mário Mesquita (FAUP/FBAUP/i2ADS); and Miguel Leal (FBAUP/i2ADS). The following debate, moderated by Fátima Vieira, will have as its theme the special edition of scopio Magazine AAI No. 0.
The session will also count with the presence of the invited authors for this Volume 1 of scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image - Utopia, namely Gabriela Vaz-Pinheiro (FBAUP), José Carlos Mota (DCSPT) and Sofia Marques da Silva (CIIE/FPCEUP).

About the journal
scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image is an open access, peer-reviewed, annual, international scientific publication. Consisting of an interdisciplinary team in its Editorial and Scientific Boards, the periodical embodies a dynamic information space focused on the dissemination of the study areas related to Architecture, Art and Image, these themes being understood in a comprehensive and interdisciplinary way, integrating several research centers.
The physical and online publication aims to offer a critical, exploratory and informative text able to reach an interdisciplinary public, making it accessible to analysis and debate, namely to (re)think Architecture, Art and Image in contemporaneity. Every year the magazine Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem will have a general theme, structured in different sections, allowing readers to travel between the worlds of Architecture, Art and Image through multiple perspectives and thematic focuses.
Open Call | Volume 1 'Utopia'
Interested authors may submit proposals, starting June 5th, for the 1st volume of the magazine Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem dedicated to the theme 'Utopia':
- reveal the potential of the Image as a medium capable of crossing and shifting boundaries between various thematic areas, namely those of Architecture and Art;
- be inspired by broad notions of creativity, innovation and cybernetics as ways to drive processes of social and institutional co-evolution;
- explore the potential of the world of Utopia and the Image to question and address, in an inventive way, transversal problems that affect Architecture, Art and Image. While welcoming individual work, we encourage the creation of multidisciplinary teams.
Important Dates
September 1, 2023 Abstract Submission Deadline
December 2023 Publication dateSubmission of proposals
To submit their proposal, authors have to register on the scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image platform and submit through this platform the theoretical article (between 3000 to 6000 words) or the visual essay (between 6 to 8 pages, plus text between 500 to 1000 words) by September 1, 2023.Review process
The Editorial Team will submit theoretical papers to a blind peer review process and visual essays to a review by the Editors and/or a reviewer. Authors will be informed of the review results in October 2023. Theoretical articles and visual essays will have to be edited following reviewers' comments by December 1, 2023 in order to be published in scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image Vol. 1 | Utopia, the first issue of this cycle.
More Information