"O que os olhos vêem o coração sente" by Filipa Ferreira
Riscotudo Project Exhibition

"O que os olhos vêem o coração sente" by Filipa Ferreira Riscotudo Project Exhibition
The exhibition 'What the eyes see, the heart feels' by Filipa Ferreira, architect by FAUP, can be visited in the Library Hall, from May 18 until June 30, under the Riscotudo project, curated by FAUP professors José Manuel Barbosa and José Maria Lopes.
The inauguration will take place on May 18th, Thursday, at 6:30pm.
The exhibition, with free admission, can be visited until Monday to Friday, from 9am to 8pm (closed on holidays).
What the eyes see, the heart feels
The exhibition brings together drawings that have stayed with me and some that I borrowed. Remembering the ones I gave away and now borrow, brings a double feeling: of gratitude to the person who lends them to me and the recognition of what they still mean to me - I haven't lost them.All the drawings are observational, recorded mostly on trips - walking or going to work and home. Others are records of times and faces to remember.One of the reasons they exist has to do with that remembrance or memory, to keep it.There is a memory that remains because the gesture that was made is physical, and may be repeated in case of need, for example to explain something or tell a story. There is another memory that remains because of the time spent in a place, and it can be revisited, for example, to remember that time or place. Like a diary that instead of words has drawings, like a map of images.Outside these observation drawings, my work begins in the realm of the imaginary.Now, the gestures and images in this archive of drawings serve to allow me to think, rehearse and explain something that does not yet exist. With this collection, I start from what exists to the imaginary.Besides drawing being the most natural way I found to express myself, it feeds the field of ideas, multiplying itself either in the drawings or in the ideas themselves. The other reason these drawings exist is because they express a feeling, sometimes of beauty, sometimes of affection and love.
- Filipa Ferreira
Filipa Ferreira, was born in Porto in March 1989 and is an architect by FAUP. She collaborates since 2014 in the office of the architect Nuno Valentim, participating as a co-author in projects of different scales both in the field of rehabilitation and in the construction of new buildings, having participated in the group shows "Drawing in the University Today", I2ADS, FBAUP, 2013, and "A5", Galeria Extéril, Porto, 2018; as well as in the solo exhibition "O próximo 'hoje 28 fev'", Estúdio UM, University of Minho, 2014. Since 2017 he integrates the team of the Drawing Experience, an activity associated with Open House Porto promoted by CEAU-FAUP, which aims to bring drawing to the public, offering the drawings. Her creative work outside the profession is in the practice of observation drawing and travel drawing. He attended the free drawing courses 'desenhar desenhando desenhando', FAUP, 2008 to 2010, and 'Desenho de Figura Humana', FBAUP in 2014 and 2015. It is, however, outside the courses and rooms that he seeks to know more and offer his way of seeing.
Riscotudo Project
The Riscotudo project is constituted as a space in FAUP for Drawing exhibitions located in the Library Auditorium atrium. Designed by José Manuel Barbosa who shares the curatorship with José Maria Lopes, Riscotudo is "an exhibition space where proposals are presented that work the graphic and plastic elements of drawing privileging different techniques and aesthetic conceptions".
18 de maio - 30 de junho de 2023
9h00-20h00, Átrio da Biblioteca
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