Drawing Experience
Open House Porto 2023

Drawing Experience Open House Porto 2023
Application Deadline
June 26, 2023
Online registration
FAUP is once again associated with Open House Porto, during the weekend of July 1-2, 2023, with the 8th edition of the 'Drawing Experience' initiative. All FAUP students, Erasmus students and alumni are invited to participate in this drawing action, challenging each participant to bring the drawing to the public in some of the selected spaces of the Open House Porto itinerary.
Drawing Experience
The 'Drawing Experience' aims to disseminate and encourage training in architecture based on the exercise of drawing, one of the identifying features of the so-called "Oporto School".
It is an activity integrated in the 'Kaleidoscope' program, a set of free activities produced in partnership with the Casa da Arquitectura during Open House Porto.
Whoever receives a drawing is invited to share the scan of it and a comment about the experience through the email of the 'Drawing Experience' - exp.desenho@gmail.com - and social networks.
Participation is free, subject to prior registration and on a first-come, first-served basis, using the form available on the project page: experienciadodesenho.arq.up.pt
This is an initiative associated with Open House Porto and the House of Architecture, promoted by the research line 'Drawing Collection', developed at the Centre for the Study of Architecture and Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (CEAU-FAUP) by the Architecture: Theory, Project, History (ATPH) Group.
The 'Drawings Collection' has the collaboration of UPdigital, the Faculties of Letters (FLUP) and Engineering of the U.Porto (FEUP), Fundação Marques da Silva (FIMS), Ordem dos Arquitectos - Secção Regional do Norte (OASRN) and Sistema do Futuro - Multimedia, Management and Art.
Noémia Herdade Gomes
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Carlos Machado e Moura
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Rui Neto
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Filipa Ferreira
Susana Ribeiro
Mariana Maia Rocha
Gonçalo Guimarães
Ana Catarina Silva
estudante FAUP
Mariana Pinho
estudante FAUP
Bernardo Machado
estudante FAUP
Open House Porto 2023
The selection of spaces for the 2023 edition of Open House Porto is in charge of the curators, architects Pedro Baía, guest lecturer at FAUP, and Magda Seifert, member of the FAUP's Council of Representatives since 2022, under the theme of 'the newest in architecture'.
According to the curators, 'the theme is inspired by the 1959 text by Nuno Portas, entitled 'The responsibility of a brand new generation in the modern movement in Portugal', from which Portas addresses 'architects who are newcomers to the professional activity', proposing 'the questioning of a brand new generation, not only in their ideas and intentions, but above all in their works.'
The itinerary is also accompanied by the Kaleidoscope and Plus Programs that propose a set of activities open to all audiences.
All visits and activities are, as usual, free of charge.
Open House Porto is organized and produced by Casa da Arquitectura (CA) - Portuguese Center of Architecture and with the Strategic Partnership of the Municipalities of Maia, Matosinhos, Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia.
More Information