6th Didactic Workshop The Thinking Hand 'Guernica'
6th Didactic Workshop The Thinking Hand 'Guernica'
March 5, 2024, Tuesday, 9:00-12:30, Carlos Ramos Pavilion
On March 5, the 6th The Thinking Hand 'Guernica' Didactic Workshop will be held at FAUP's Carlos Ramos Pavilion, between 9 a.m. and 12.30 p.m.
The Thinking Hand Didactic Workshop combines the perspectives (and works of the same name, from 1914 and 2009, respectively) of British educator James G. Legge and Finnish architect Juhani Pallasmaa. As in the previous four editions, this event will bring together, for a morning of joint work, twenty-five pre-school children and nine final-year students from the Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture.For Education, in DiPDArq's research-teaching axis, this morning of work will take place under the guidance of professors Assucena Maria Miranda, Ana Isabel Costa e Silva, Rui Américo Cardoso, Telmo Castro and Luís S. Viegas, at the crossroads of the thinking hand perspectives mentioned.
This 6th edition of the event, as a creative and sharing activity between the Pre-school of the Basic School of Frejufe of the Levante da Maia Group and FAUP, aims to create a physical model (maquette) representing Pablo Picasso's "Guernica" (1937). As in the previous edition, this edition is stimulated by the theme "The Day the Earth Screamed for Mother" (evoking, in particular, environmental issues, nature, animals and affection) and qualified by the development of various activities in the Kindergarten, under the special guidance of teacher Assucena Maria Miranda. These activities embarked on a distinctive path, particularly through dialogic, didactic and experimental work based on works of art by two notable artists: "The Girls" (1656) by Diego Velázquez and "The Birds" (1957) by Pablo Picasso. It is in this context that The Thinking Hand's 6th Didactic Workshop will aim to create a model of Picasso's "Guernica" (1881-1973) as a result of the work of the four groups. Since war is the greatest cry on Planet Earth and Picasso's "Guernica" symbolizes a Manifesto for Peace - a work represented in tapestry at the UN (United Nations) - nothing could be more appropriate than for the children to experience a creative gesture of hope based on this unique artistic creation.
Participants: Professors - Assucena Maria Miranda (EBFrejufe/ALMaia), Ana Isabel Costa e Silva, Rui Américo Cardoso, Luís Viegas (FAUP) and Telmo Castro (ESAP); MiArq students - Ângelo Pereira, Anita Moutinho, Bárbara Reis, Carla Almeida, Catarina Rodrigues, Yngrid Ferreira, Inês Salgueiro (architect), Joana Fraga, Joana Silva, J. Gabriel Andrade, Luísa Silveira, Mafalda Vaz, Rita Branco, Sara Pereira and Tomás Mota; and Children (Kindergarten of the Frejufe Basic School of the Levante da Maia Group) - Ana Isabel Simões, Afonso Azevedo, Benedita Dantas, Benedita Silva, Carolina Pinto, Cloe Carvalho, Duarte Teixeira, Doriana Fernandes, Francisca Teixeira, Francisco Leão, Francisco Madureira, Gonçalo Cardoso, Gustavo Fernandes, Inês Silva, Isabel Pereira, Isabella Travensolo, João Silva, James Silva, Maria Luísa Ramos, Maria Teresa Ramos, Matilde Teixeira, Matteo Marques, Renata Mota, Rita Cardoso and Vasco Lima.
Organization: Assucena Maria Miranda (Teacher and Educator at E. B. Frejufe do A. L. Maia), Luís Viegas, Rui Américo Cardoso, Ana Isabel Costa e Silva (teachers and researchers at DiPDArq/MDT-CEAU) and Telmo Castro (teacher and researcher at ESAP)Support: Centre for the Study of Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU-FAUP): Foundation for Science and Technology