Project 'LOGO - The local governance of housing policies. An investigation of local housing strategies' (Ref.ª 2023/19)
1 Doctoral Scholarship

Project 'LOGO - The local governance of housing policies. An investigation of local housing strategies' (Ref.ª 2023/19) 1 Doctoral Scholarship
Applications from July 25 to August 8, 2023
A call is open for the award of a PhD Scholarship (BD), under the Research Scholarships Regulation of the University of Porto. The scholarship is part of the project 'LOGO - The local governance of housing policies. An investigation of local housing strategies', reference no. 2022.03719.PTDC, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology.
Applicants may hold a Bachelor's, Master's or Integrated Master's degree in Architecture, Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, Geography, Social Sciences or areas related to the theme of Housing; enrolled in a PhD Program in Architecture or demonstrate the intention to carry out research leading to a PhD degree, this being a requirement to be indicated in the motivation letter and proven until the act of hiring.
The work will be developed at the Center for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU/FAUP) and / or other places necessary for the execution of the work plan, under the scientific guidance of Researchers Aitor Varea Oro and Nuno Travasso.
The project 'LOGO - The local governance of housing policies. An investigation of local housing strategies' has Marco Allegra as Principal Investigator, the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon ICS-UL as proposing institution, and CEAU/FAUP as partner institution.