Drawing Colection

Drawing Colection
Start Year
2012 (On going)
Noémia Herdade Gomes
Carlos Machado
Proposing Institution
The Drawing Collection research project will implement its main research tool, the Drawing Collection Platform, based on the tools that have been built up over the period of the previous plans, from 2013 to 2019.
The Platform, its different add-ons and the project's satellite activities will be fed by a team from different areas and with different degrees of knowledge, which we intend to grow. In this sense, one of the aims is to revitalize its construction, opening up space for young students to begin contact with the project, both through the satellite activities space, personalizing and autonomizing these actions, and through studies carried out as part of master's and doctoral theses along the lines of the themes inherent in the Platform. The new knowledge generated will be presented in different ways, from the most conventional and traditional to the most spontaneous and unusual.
The subject of Design is transformed into the laboratory space of satellite activities with the aim of producing academic knowledge, bringing it to different audiences, promoting scientific culture to a wide community. Using different languages, be they technological, cultural, artistic, social or economic. This movement from the inside out seeks to create a cycle of propagation of visual knowledge, inherent to the tools of drawing and its interpretation, which obviously aims to be returned, reinforcing and exponentiating the relevance of Drawing within the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto.
The Collaborative factor of contamination will also be explored in Internationalization and Partnerships from a systemic viewpoint, in which the meshes of the network to be founded (regional, national and international) will fit together and articulate progressively, producing a fundamental mechanic for the future self-sustainability of the project.
Academic Board
Carlos Machado e Moura
Noémia Herdade Gomes
Rui Neto
Bruno Lourenço
Elisa Noronha
Francisca Mesquita
Mariana Maia Rocha
Mariana Martins de Carvalho
Raquel Babo
Catarina Silva
Filipa Ferreira
Susana Ribeiro
Papelaria Modelo
Cunha Pimentel