Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism


Center for Studies
in Architecture and Urbanism

Architecture and Modes of Inhabiting



Architecture and Habitation Modes (AMH) is a research group dedicated to the investigation, discovery, and application of innovative strategies in Architecture, focusing on the understanding of the phenomena of production and use of architectural space and their interaction with new modes of Designing, Building, and Habitation.


The AMH is structured in three lines of research:

Modes of Habitation

Line of research that deepens the relations between man and architectural space; evaluating and understanding the use and occupation of space, the design of utensils and furniture for different people and ages in different environments, such as schools, hospitals, interaction spaces and landscapes.

Ways of Designing

Investigates and explores the processes of knowledge and development of different design methodologies, the different demands and outcomes of design; necessary data, digital design and the BIM methodology applied to design and construction. In this line, evaluations of design processes and materialization of architectural ideas are carried out, comparing working methodologies in different contexts, programs and cultures, as well as in different media.

Ways of Building

This line investigates and experiments with building with new materials, different construction processes and systems, new technologies applied to construction (with earth, cork, wood) and energy requirements. New materials and the application of digital and data collection systems in buildings are studied.

CIAMH collaborators and researchers have diverse academic and professional profiles, coming from different areas of work in architecture. This confers a differentiated theoretical and practical character to the various lines of work of the center.

Having the human being in his environment as the central figure of Architecture, which justifies it, CIAM H seeks to investigate, support and offer solutions for new ways of conceiving, designing and constructing the new buildings and spaces for inhabiting Architecture.

CIAMH Research on Innovation © AMH


Financed Projects