Real Estate Awards honor FAUP professors

Real Estate Awards honor FAUP professors Award
October 23, 2023
The Campanhã Intermodal Terminal and the rehabilitation of the Bolhão Market, projects developed by Nuno Brandão Costa and Nuno Valentim, respectively, professors at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), were distinguished with the Real Estate Awards, organized by SIC Notícias and Semanário Expresso.
The Campanhã Intermodal Terminal, by Nuno Brandão Costa, won in the economic, social and environmental impact project category. In the rehabilitation and reconstruction - commerce category, Nuno Valentim's restoration and modernization of the Bolhão Market won the award. The project also received the prestige award, a distinction given by the jury to only one of the night's winners.
The 5th edition of the Real Estate Awards featured eight categories, two of which are new this year: innovation in construction and a project with a social, economic and environmental impact, which was won by the Campanhã Intermodal Terminal. This year, there were 54 applications, geographically distributed across the mainland and the islands, for projects completed by 2022.
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