Cidade Participada: Arquitectura e Democracia
Editorial project

Cidade Participada: Arquitectura e Democracia Editorial project
Serviço de Apoio Ambulatório Local (SAAL)
The editorial project Cidade Participada: Arquitectura e Democracia is a ten-volume collection dedicated to the Serviço de Apoio Ambulatório Local (SAAL), in force between 1974 and 1976.
The collection aims to document, study and disseminate a diverse set of processes, projects and neighborhoods, contributing not only to a more complete knowledge of Portuguese architecture after April 25, 1974, but also to the discussion on the construction of the contemporary city.
The ongoing research covers several operations nationwide, spread across the three regions of the country according to the organization of the Service at the time of its creation: SAAL/Norte, SAAL/Lisbon Centre-South and SAAL/Algarve.
The knowledge acquired and the ideas and methodologies launched by the different operations could serve as the basis for a discussion on the problems of the contemporary city, especially with regard to housing, participation processes, the specific experience of each neighborhood and the way its people live.
The structure and coherence of the collection is guaranteed by the editorial board. Each volume will be coordinated by a team of researchers from the Center for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP).
The editorial board is made up of Alexandre Alves Costa, Ana Alves Costa, Ana Catarina Costa, Carlos Machado, Filipa de Castro Guerreiro, Luís Urbano, Manuel Graça Dias, Marta Oliveira, Miguel Reimão Costa, Ricardo Santos and Sergio Fernandez.
By confining each book to an operation, or a group of operations, according to the geographical area under study, we can gain a better understanding of some of the processes and get to know the diversity of circumstances, methodologies, projects and populations involved in the SAAL process. The aim of this collection is to disseminate a set of little-known projects and neighborhoods, and to deepen the study of those that time has cemented as the most emblematic.
Published volumes
Operações SAAL . 1 | Oeiras | vários autores
Coordenação de Ricardo Costa e Carlos Machado
Edição Tinta da China | 2016
Operações SAAL . 2 | S. Victor| Álvaro Siza
Coordenação de Ana Alves Costa, Ana Catarina Costa e Sergio Fernandez
Parceria: Câmara municipal do Porto
Edição Tinta da China | 2019
Operações SAAL . 3 | Antas | Pedro Ramalho
Coordenação de Ana Alves Costa e Sergio Fernandez
Parceria: Câmara municipal do Porto
Edição Tinta da China | 2020
Operações SAAL . 4 | Algarve
Coordenação de Miguel Reimão Costa e Ana Alves Costa
Apoio: Direção Regional de Cultura do Algarve, Câmara Municipal de Olhão, Câmara Municipal de Silves, CEAU-FAUP e Centro de Estudos em Arqueologia, Artes e Ciências do Património
Edição Tinta da China | 2022
Next editions
Operações SAAL | Lisboa | vários autores
Coordenação de Ricardo Santos e Ana Drago