
Opening 17 aprile con Andrea Campioli | Massimo Bricocoli | Pedro Neto
Lecture ore 16:00, Aula IV
Visita alla Mostra ore 18:00
Comitato organizzatore Guva Bertelli, Marco Bovati, Marco Bozzola, Stefano Di Vita, Pierfranco Galliani, Henrique Pessoa, Michele Roda.
On 17th April, at 4:00 PM, Politecnico Milano – Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzion – Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbano – Spazio Tunnel –hosted the Lecture and Exhibition Camilo Rebelo Parallel Universes, which embraced Camilo Rebelo´s lecture about his work, a short presentation by Pedro Leão Neto about his book “OLIM”, and the Exhibition opening and launch of its catalogue in the collection “Red Series | A Project on Display”, edited by Guya Bertelli.
The event commenced with the official opening of the session by Professor Guya Bertelli, who introduced Arq. Camilo Rebelo to an audience of students, professionals, and scholars. Then, professors Andrea Campioli and Massimo Bricocoli discussed the interest and importance of the long-time collaboration with Polimi.
Next, Camilo Rebelo presented his lecture, beginning by communicating his engagement in teaching at POLIMI for 11 years and then explaining several of his architectural projects from the set in the Camilo Rebelo Parallel Universes Exhibition, and published in a special catalogue.
Finally, the Editor of Camilo Rebelo´s book “OLIM”, Pedro Leão Neto, conducted a short presentation about Rebelo´s book, elaborating on the author´s ideation process and nonlinear narrative, where memory, identity and places are linked to one another in a rhizomatic way.

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