EURAU 2024
Preparatory Thematic Session

EURAU 2024 Preparatory Thematic Session
September 13, 2023, 10:00 a.m. (CET), videoconference (teams)
EURAU's next international conference - In-Presence / The Body and the Space - The Role of Corporeity in the Era of Virtualization - will take place in Milan in June 2024.
The conference focuses on the role of corporeality in contemporary times and in the near future with regard to the dimension of space and its relationship to the spheres of architecture, the city and the environment interpreted as physical facts and processes.
In anticipation of the international conference, five Preparatory Thematic Meetings will be organized by the EURAU network partners.
Each meeting will present a different thematic area within the framework of the conference. The results of the meetings will help refine the EURAU 2024 thematic sessions and inform the preparation of the Open Call.
In this sense, EURAU24 invites contributions with comments and reflections in these sessions. The aim is to activate a broad ongoing discussion, The Road to EURAU, fed by other forms of communication (a forum, an Instagram profile, a website), leading up to Milan 2024 as the final face-to-face meeting to draw conclusions.
The meetings are open to participation and form an integral part of EURAU 2024.
The 'Space' themed session, on September 13 at 10:00 (CET), will be attended by the Scientific and Organizing Committee representing FAUP/CEAU: Madalena Pinto da Silva, Carla Garrido, Filipa Guerreiro, Gisela Lameira and José Alberto Lage.
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