'A casa é de carvão, a porta é de prata, oiro no ar, atmosfera doirada, nitidez doirada, dias doirados' por Maria Filomena Molder
Siza Barroque
'A casa é de carvão, a porta é de prata, oiro no ar, atmosfera doirada, nitidez doirada, dias doirados' por Maria Filomena Molder Conference
Siza Barroque
June 22, 2024
Saturday, 15h30
Auditorium of the Soares dos Reis National Museum
On June 22, 2024, the Soares dos Reis National Museum will host the conference 'The house is made of coal, the door is made of silver, gold in the air, golden atmosphere, golden sharpness, golden days' with philosopher Maria Filomena Molder, which concludes the cycle I of conferences in the 'Siza Barroco' program.
My craft is words, without them there are no concepts. It's no coincidence that logos, the key ingredient in the invention of philosophy, means word (the first of its uses).
E. R. Curtius taught me that the logos is capable of translating everything, i.e. by reading a dialog by Plato we learn many things about the city of Athens, including what goes on in the amphitheaters, the temples and even the journey of the soul after death. On the other hand, it won't be possible to reconstruct any of Plato's dialogues through architecture (or any other art).
On the other hand (the master is Giorgio Colli), there is no better way to get to know the spirit, the energy of a culture that has already disappeared - the example is Greek again - than to enter a ruined temple. Sovereign here is the living interplay between body and space.
From the artists' words, a middle path is engendered, so to speak, and the logos, put at the service of a domesticated wild animal (bow to Wittgenstein), undergoes a surprising metamorphosis. Hence the images in Álvaro Siza: a house with its skeleton, its heart, its lungs. They meet Chillida's feeling of seeing Bach's lungs contracting and expanding inside Santa Sofia. Perhaps this is how the Baroque is summoned.
Maria Filomena Molder is Emeritus Professor of Aesthetics at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Member of the Institute of Philosophy of Language (IFILNOVA). Visiting professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (1995 and 2011). Member of the Scientific Council of the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris (2003-2009). She writes about problems of aesthetics, as problems of knowledge and language, for philosophy, literature and art magazines. Latest publications: O Absoluto que pertence à Terra (Edições do Saguão, 2020) - Jacinto do Prado Coelho essay prize 2021. Três Conferências I - Lança o teu Pão sobre as Águas (Edições do Saguão, 2021). Winged Words. Conversations around Drawing with Cristina Robalo (Documenta, 2022). He was responsible for editing Fernando Gil. Paisagens dos Confins (Edições Vendaval, 2009), Morphology. Questions on Method and Language (Peter Lang, 2013) and issue 68 of the magazine Rue Descartes, "Philosopher au Portugal Aujourd'hui" (2010).
Duration: 60 min.Auditorium of the Soares dos Reis National MuseumFree admission, upon registration from Monday, June 17.
Scientific Research and Technological Development Project on the Architecture of Álvaro Siza Vieira FCT: SIZA/CPT/0021/2019Funded by: FCT, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education; Ministry of Culture; FAUP; CEAU.Supported by: Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis; Fundação de Serralves; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; CCA; Drawing Matter; Casa da Arquitectura; Fundação Marques da Silva, Irmandade dos Clérigos and Conservatório de Música do Porto.
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