scopio Magazine AAI - 'Exploring Contemporary Realities', Volume 2
Open Call

scopio Magazine AAI - 'Exploring Contemporary Realities', Volume 2 Open Call
Abstract submission until November 1, 2024 [new date]
'scopio scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image is an open-access, annual, scientifically refereed publication that aims to offer critical, exploratory and informative texts on the universe of Architecture, Art and Image (AAI). The publication aims to provide a space for debate and (re)thinking of theory and practice around AAI themes, with a strong multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary approach.
Submission of abstracts for the Call for Papers for scopio Magazine AAI - Exploring Contemporary Realities, Volume 2, is open until November 1, 2024 [new date].
scopio Magazine AAI will be the Official Magazine of the SCOPIO & CONTRAST International Conference and submissions are invited for both the Conference and its 2nd volume in partnership with the Contrast project: a multidisciplinary network of artistic initiatives in Art, Architecture, Design and Photography.
The Open Call aims to explore the use of photography and other means of visual representation as forms of artistic investigation, documentation and analysis of different configurations on the transformation of the physical environment and the way it is understood and shaped by a diverse field of studies, practices and cultures. This means, among other things, better understanding, through photography and film, the relationship between culture and space and exploring how culture, beliefs, behaviours and practices interact and shape the physical environment of different territories and their architectures, cities and landscapes, as well as recognizing contemporary discourses and uses of landscape concepts.
scopio Magazine AAI is organized by the AAI research group of the Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies/FAUP; the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies/FLUP; i2ADS - Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society/FBAUP; the Institute for Research in Design, Media and Culture [ID+]; the Institute for Architecture and Development (Arq. ID)/ULP. Ap, with the institutional support of the U.Porto Rectory and in partnership with AEFAUP, with the support of other U.Porto Student Associations.
The project 'CONTRAST: Network of multidisciplinary artistic initiatives in Art, Architecture, Design and Photography' is led by the AAI-CEAU-FAUP research group, in partnership with ESMAD-uniMAD and i2ads-FBAUP, with the support of DGARTES. The project team draws on the solid experience of eleven higher education institutions - ARCO, DARQ, DCAM, EA.UC, ESAP, ESMAD, FAUP, FBAUL, FBAUP and IPT - which, through various projects, research and initiatives, ensure a strong integrated and complementary teaching, research and communication strategy.
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