Faro Convention International Conference 2024
Call for abstracts and workshop proposals

Faro Convention International Conference 2024 Call for abstracts and workshop proposals
until July 28, 2023
The UNESCO Chair on Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability, led by Ana Pereira Roders and based at TUDelft - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in partnership with the UNESCO Chair on Heritage, Cities and Landscapes. Sustainable Management, Conservation, Planning and Design, tutored by Teresa Cunha Ferreira and based at FAUP, organize the 1st edition of the Faro Convention International Conference 2024 (FCIC24), dedicated to the theme 'Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges', which will take place at FAUP between 29 January and 2 February 2024.
Signed in 2005 in Portugal and ratified by more than twenty countries, the Council of Europe's Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention) emphasizes the value and potential of heritage for sustainable development and for the quality of life of a society in constant change and increasing challenges.
FCIC24 will address the theme of participatory processes in cultural heritage management, a core element of the Convention, focusing on three sub-themes that will guide the invited speakers' papers, as well as proposals for papers, posters and workshop discussions:
Co-creation in Education/Training - innovative tools/actions for participation in educational projects and programs in heritage studies.Guest Speaker: Ana Pereira Roders, UNESCO Chair "Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability", TU Delft - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands);
Research on co-creation in urban heritage practices - recent research trends, challenges and opportunities of co-creation approaches in the management of historic urban landscapesInvited Speaker: Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Center for Social Studies, Department of Architecture, University of Coimbra, Portugal;
Co-creation in Heritage Practices - cases of small to large scale private and public co-creation around heritage management, architecture, urban planning and governanceInvited Speaker: Susan Fayad, World Heritage and Regional Development Lead City of Ballarat, Australia
Information about the Conference is available at https://www.fcic24.com/, and calls for papers, posters and workshops are open until July 28, 2023. Please note that as FCIC24 is an international event, English will be the official language, and all proposals must be submitted in English.
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