Underwater Landscapes Continuing Education Course
Fishing ArchitectureApplications until 14 Mar 2025

Underwater Landscapes Continuing Education Course Fishing ArchitectureApplications until 14 Mar 2025
Applications: 24 February - 14 March 2025
Application form
The “Fishing Architecture Workshop” training unit, entitled “Underwater Landscapes”, will take place at FAUP and in the fishing community of Angeiras, in Matosinhos. This unit is part of the Fishing Architecture research project, funded by the European Research Council.
In this course, students will have the opportunity to acquire conceptual and technical tools to represent ecological systems, linking architecture and marine biology. The training, which is interdisciplinary in nature, complements the tools acquired in architecture courses and, for students from other scientific areas, offers the possibility of pushing the boundaries of their disciplines.
The course explores the relationship between marine ecosystems and coastal architecture, with the fishing community of Angeiras as a case study.
Angeiras, an example of small-scale fishing, depends on the local ecosystem, which is highly sensitive to fluctuations in environmental quality, and plays an active role in its maintenance and preservation. Fishing in the region is characterised by non-intensive practices and seasonal, multi-species methods, resulting in a negligible ecological footprint. Octopus, among other species, is one of the most important and profitable, being caught throughout the year.
This training will specifically address marine ecosystems and their species. The training will last one week, with a workload of 27 hours, distributed between theoretical sessions, fieldwork, collective discussions, and the presentation and debate of the results obtained.
The programme is aimed at master's degree students in all scientific areas, with particular emphasis on architecture, marine biology, geography, oceanography, history and other related areas.
26 to 30 May 202527 Hours / 1.0 ECTSFace-to-faceLanguage: English6 places
Academic and International Co-operation Services
Marta Lourenço | Catarina Martins
E-mail | faup.continua@arq.up.pt
Telephone | (+351) 220 425 417
Fishing Architecture
Cláudia Soares
E-mail |fish@arq.up.pt
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