Ecologies of the House
Studies on tectonic, energy, and environment

Ecologies of the House Studies on tectonic, energy, and environment
Start Year
2023 (Em curso)
The recent reports from the IPPC are unequivocal regarding climate change due to human influence and its detrimental effects on natural systems and the ways of life of populations. In this environmental emergency context, the impact of the building construction sector is not negligible, including the use of natural resources, the reach of production actions, the efficiency of building solutions, their durability, reversibility, and comprehensiveness, or the adaptation of the living environment to comfort standards.
In Architecture, studies in this field have explored formulations emphasising quantitative data and parameterisable methods without introducing qualitative compensation criteria, including anthropological, sociological, psychological, spatial, and aesthetic considerations.
The etymological root "eco" has its original meaning in the word "oïkos," which means house, habitat, or natural environment. Although variable, the connection between architecture and ecology follows a long historical tradition whose understanding can assist in mapping contemporary design practices that are tendentially linked to the phenomenology of the "spirit of the place."
Through the research line, Ecologies of the Home: Studies on tectonics, energy, and environment, we aim to characterise, classify, evaluate, and interpret residential buildings to directly correlate certain architectural practices and forms, environmental and climatic conditioning of habitable spaces within their material and cultural circumstances, and the emergence of tectonic and ecological ethics.
The tripod - tectonics, energy, environment - will form the basis for multidisciplinary studies on housing from both a historical and contemporary perspective. In general, attention will be given to adapting to local conditions, incorporating bioclimatic principles, and passively managing energy and air flows capable of responding to comfort patterns in domestic spaces, as well as connections to modern and vernacular architectural culture and the hypothesis of the existence of energy tectonics.
Architecture; housing; comfort; tectonics; energy; environment; ecology.
Recent activities
Events organization:
Conference 'Architects as Agents of Decarbonization' by Daniel Barber. Organization: Eliseu Gonçalves and Luciana Rocha. Collaboration with the Theory 2 curricular unit of the Doctoral Program in Architecture (PDA), EcHo/Atlas da Casa and WellBEH/PACT lines/research and with CEAU/FAUP support (2024/04/12).
Workshop 'Cultura Material da Construção no Alentejo: Arquitectura de terra entre a conservação e a inovação'. Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). Odemira (2024/09/08-2024/09-15).
Institutions: Universidade de Granada (leader); Universidade de Valência; Universidade IUAV (Veneza); Politécnico de Bari; Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Arquitectura; Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Projects participation:
"Metodologias e Práticas de Intervenção na Arquitectura Vernacular". Contrato de Cooperação Horizontal entre Entidades Adjudicantes para a elaboração de Projectos de Reabilitação de imóveis: 1º Direito - Programa de Apoio ao Acesso à Habitação - Estratégia Local de Habitação do município de Vila Nova de Foz Côa. FAUP. Project coordination: Eliseu Gonçalves; Scientific consulting: Luciana Rocha.
Marques, Helena Silva. "A Arquitectura Vernacular como Espaço de Intervenção. Análise de casos de estudo de Eduardo Souto de Moura." Master dissertation, FAUP. Supervision by Luciana Rocha e Eliseu Gonçalves (2024-ongoing).