Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo


Centro de Estudos
de Arquitectura e Urbanismo

Mahdi Alizadeh

Mahdi Alizadeh is an architect based in Portugal. He is a graduate of the Porto Faculty of Architecture, where he presented his master's thesis titled "The Pursuit of Presence in Architecture: A phenomenological narrative of Naqsh-e Jahan Square of Ispahan". He completed his bachelor's studies at the Clermont-Ferrand architecture school (ENSA Clermont-Ferrand) in France. Mahdi Alizadeh sees architecture as a craftsmanship art that requires interdisciplinary knowledge. Hence, he is in the pursuit of research in the domain of the theory of architecture and its relation to the practice. Currently, his objective is to study Tectonic culture in the Nordics during twentieth-century architecture and its application to architectural studies. Mahdi Alizadeh is also a co-founder of an architectural dialogue program titled"Café com Esquissos" which is a platform for architectural debate, especially regarding the topics less discussed in academia. He tends to be active and is very interested in architectural education. His experience as the student representative in the Pedagogic Council of the faculty of architecture of the University of Porto was an important step in his integration into architectural education.


Ano de Integração
Nomes de Citação
Alizadeh, Mohammadmahdi
M.Mahdi Alizadeh
Mahdi Alizadeh
Ciência ID
Ciência Vitae ID
Domínios de Atuação
Humanidades - Artes - Arquitetura e Design
Grupos de Investigação
Património da Arquitetura, da Cidade e do Território (100%)
Dedicação (Investigação)


Em curso

Programa de Doutoramento em Arquitetura


Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal




"The Pursuit of Presence in Architecture: A phenomenological narrative of Naqsh-e Jahan square of Ispahan (20/20)"


Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal


licence d'architecture

Bachelor (1.º ciclo de estudos)

Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand, França

Percurso Profissional



Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura

Universidade do Porto Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo, Portugal

Cargos e Funções

Student Representative of the Second year of Master (Quinto Ano) in the Pedagogic Council

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura

Student Representative of the First year of Master (Quarto Ano) in the Pedagogic Council

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura



Harni-Takahashi Architecture & Design

Architecture Intern

Sylvie Soulas Architectes

Architecture Intern

VLC Urban Studio


Artigo em conferência

Aceite para publicação

The Pursuit of Presence in Siza's Architecture; A Phenomenological Narrative of Piscina das Marés
European Research On Architecture And Urbanism International Conference

Milão , Itália

Mahdi Alizadeh; Clara do Vale

Aceite para publicação

Post-colonial Urbanisation in Emerging Economies; A Critical Reading of Urban Policies in Southern Region of Persian Gulf
Finnish Institue In The Middle East

Mahdi Alizadeh


Dynamic Symmetry, Harmony, and Balance in Nagsh-E- Jahan Square of Isphahan
Symmetry: Art and Science | 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress

Porto , Portugal

Alizadeh, Mohammadmahdi; Clara Pimenta do Vale

doi: https://doi.org/10.24840/1447-607X/2022/12-12-104
handle: https://hdl.handle.net/10216/144661

Artigo em jornal

Rostom Voskanian: The Hidden Heritage of An Armenian Architect

EVN Report

Mahdi Alizadeh


Tese / Dissertação

The Pursuit of Presence in Architecture: A phenomenological narrative of Naqsh-e Jahan square of Ispahan


Mohammadmahdi Alizadeh


handle: https://hdl.handle.net/10216/147945


Apresentação oral de trabalho

Dynamic Symmetry, Harmony, and Balance in Naqsh-E-Jahan Square of Ispahan

Symmetry: Art and Science | 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress

International Society for Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry

Architectural Education; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Open Online Lecture

Iranian Architecture Center

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Aula Aberta intitulada "The Tectonic Practice & the Multiplicity of the Body of Architecture"


Mestrado integrado

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal

Organização de evento

Head of the round-table Café com Esquissos, Archi-Talks. Invited guest: Christian Kircher from Smartvoll Architekten, based in Vienna.

Coorganizador, Mesa-redonda

Café com Esquissos, Portugal

Head of the round-table Café com Esquissos, Archi-Talks. Invited guest: Fabio Gramazio, co-founder of Gramazio Kohler Research, based in Zurich.

Coorganizador, Mesa-redonda

Café com Esquissos, Portugal

Head of the round-table Café com Esquissos, Archi-Talks. Invited guest: Martin Neuwirther, Project Manager at Baumschlager Eberle Architekten.

Coorganizador, Mesa-redonda

Café com Esquissos, Portugal

Head of the round-table Café com Esquissos, Archi-Talks. Invited guest: Andre Kempe, co-founder of Atelier Kempe Thill, based in Rotterdam.

Coorganizador, Mesa-redonda

Café com Esquissos, Portugal

Head of the round-table Café com Esquissos, Archi-Talks. Invited guest: Philippe Nathan, Partner at 2001 Studio, based in Esch-Alzette.

Coorganizador, Mesa-redonda

Café com Esquissos, Portugal

Participação em evento

Mais Do Que Casas

Correspondent Writer (relator) in Mais Do Que Casas, in the second encounter

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal

The future of Europe and the youth: Sustainability, Climatic action, Digital transformation and Employment I O futuro da Europa e os jovens: sustentabilidade, ação climática, transformação digital e emprego

Representative of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto in an event held by the European Commission, Portuguese Government, and The City of Porto in the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Economia, Portugal

Kilometer Zero Architecture

Representative of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto in the program "NEB goes South".

New European Bauhaus, Espanha


NADA NOVO / NO NEWS is an association that promotes the reuse of components and construction materials, and explores the cultural challenges of their application.

Tallin Design Festival

Participating member of Harni-Takahashi Office in Tallin Design Festival The 18th Tallinn Design Festival was DESIGN 4.0. AI: Industrial (un)employment?. The hot topic of AI, its opportunities and threats to the design sector were addressed by Estonian and international experts.

Tallin Design Festival, Estónia


Outra distinção

Project Selection in the yearly exhibition (ANUÁRIA); "Hisotry of Portuguese Architecture: Historic Study of Penas Roias"

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal