Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo


Centro de Estudos
de Arquitectura e Urbanismo

Lançamento e apresentação de Sophia Journal Vol.8 no. 1 Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

20 de março de 2024 (quinta-feira), 18H00
Ordem dos Arquitectos Secção Regional Norte (OASRN)

Conference Live Streaming Youtube FAUPlive

Sophia Journal Vol. 8 No. 1 | Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

Online Book

O lançamento e apresentação da 8ª edição da publicação científica Sophia Journal Vol. 8 No. 1 | Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, da responsabilidade do grupo de Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) integrado no Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU) na FAUP, terá lugar no dia 20 de Março de 2024, às 18h00, na sede da (OASRN)

Após a abertura oficial da sessão pela OASRN, a apresentação da publicação Sophia Journal e do projeto editorial scopio Editions estará a cargo de Pedro Leão Neto (Editor-in-Chief), que após a sua intervenção dará a palavra a Hugh Campbell (UCD) que moderará a mesa redonda informal com todos os restantes Editores: Igea Troiani (LSBU), João Leal (P.PORTO / ESMAD), Mark Durden (USW/eCDR), Rikke Munck Petersen (UCPH) e Teresa Ferreira (FAUP/CEAU).

Hugh Campbell é Professor de Arquitetura na Escola de Arquitetura, Planeamento e Política Ambiental da University College Dublin. A sua investigação centra-se na produção arquitetónica moderna e contemporânea, na relação entre fotografia, arquitetura e espaço construído, e na cultura visual das cidades. Faz parte do grupo diretor da AHRA e da direção do Places Journal, para o qual colabora regularmente.

O lançamento do livro e a mesa redonda que se lhe seguirá serão realizados simultaneamente online e em pessoa, e pode participar neste lançamento em linha e na mesa redonda acedendo à seguinte ligação: https://youtu.be/....

O lançamento e as apresentações serão efectuados em inglês.

Sede da Secção Regional Norte da Ordem dos Arquitectos Rua Álvares Cabral, 144, Porto

Issue Description

Sophia’s third cycle main theme is “Landscapes of Care” with an overall interest around contemporary photography on how architecture can help a broken planet. It intends to understand how the photographic/imagery universe can be explored as a meaningful instrument of research about the multifaceted complex socioeconomic, political, historical, technical and ecological dimensions of architecture, city and territory that testify, question or emerge from relationships of care.
The concept “landscapes of care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study coming from health geography to the arts and architecture. Taking this notion to the universe of architecture we would like to understand architecture, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, constituted by multifaceted landscapes with complex social and organisational spatialities which embody the difference and the other, the strange, the unfamiliar, the indigenous, the human and the non-human.

Sophia Journal Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage addresses contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture understood in a wide sense can help to heal a broken planet. The concept of “Landscapes of Care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study, from health geography to the arts, architecture and heritage preservation. It is used here in order to understand and document modern architecture, building, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, as well as heritage resources for global sustainability. Modern architecture is a ‘heritage at risk’ as it belongs to a recent past that has not yet been sufficiently recognised by the authorities, scholars and general public. Our aim is to explore the ways in which photography and film can be used as meaningful instruments of research into the socioeconomic, political, historical, technical and ecological dimensions of modern architecture, city and territory.

Editorial Team
Hugh Campbell (UCD)
Igea Troiani (LSBU)
João Leal (P.PORTO / ESMAD)
Mark Durden (USW/eCDR)
Rikke Munck Petersen (UCPH)
Teresa Ferreira (FAUP/CEAU) 

Pedro Leão Neto

About the Journal

Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.

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